
Alexander (Sasha) Kremer began practicing acupuncture in 2001. He ran clinics in New York, Hawaii, and is currently practicing in Southampton Pennsylvania. On Maui he founded a multi bed acupuncture clinic that treated up to 30 people per day. In 2008 he spent a year in rural India working in the community acupuncture clinic of Ananda Nagar, helping Ananda Marga monks with their charitable mission.

Sasha has successfully treated cases of musculoskeletal pain and neuralgia, hypertension and insomnia, headaches and migraines, allergies and asthma, menstrual cycle problems and infertility, digestive issues, and endocrine system disorders like hypothyroidism and diabetes. Since 2021 Sasha has used acupuncture to treat cases of “long covid”.

Please head over to the Testimonials Page to see what conditions Sasha treated in the past 20 years.

Schedule an appointment

Monday through Sunday Sasha can see you at:

1300 Industrial Blvd, Ste. 100, Southampton, PA 18966

To book, please text or call: (267) 753-5337

or email: sasha@acupunctureworks.us

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