
You will notice that some of the testimonials appear under more than one category. This is due to the fact that acupuncture has multiple effects on the body. Balancing out the whole system usually results in a number of things improving at once.


Bladder Issues
Chronic fatigue
Chronic Viral Infections
Digestive Disorders
Endocrine Disorders
Eye Disorders
Menopause and Perimenopause
Menstrual Irregularities
Pediatric Conditions
Plantar Fasciitis
Renal Insufficiency
Rheumatoid Arhtritis
Shoulder Pain
Skin Disorders
Spinal Stenosis
Tennis Elbow
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Urinary Tract Infections
Varicose Veins
Weight Loss

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I first found out about Sasha Kremer spring 2024. Someone recommended him to me through words of mouth. I had a very severe seasonal allergy and was looking for a permanent solution without taking any prescription. I completed all the sessions that were recommended by Sasha and he also recommended a special diet to follow. It  has been more than 9 months since, I am now 85% cured and very glad I chose to work with acupuncture treatment. Sasha is very professional.  I highly recommend him to anyone who is looking for alternative medicine.

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This is a testimonial for the Community Acupuncture Clinic of Maui in Makawao with Sasha Kremer.  I have been having an issue with an old ankle injury.  Kaiser took x-rays and found that arthritis had set in and basically there was nothing to do. For almost a year now, I have suffered from stiffness and pain that did not improve.  Around Jan. of this year, I went to another doctor of acupuncture.  I did receive about 20% improvement from these treatments but still I was dealing with pain and stiffness daily which interfered with my basic mobility. In March of this year, I began treatments with Sasha Kremer at his clinic.  The improvement in the mobility of my ankle has been significant (about 80%) as well as the pain factor.  I can now do most of my physical tasks without pain or the ankle locking up on me. Sasha Kremer is very professional and knowledgeable in his chosen field and I would highly recommend him.

My wife started seeing Alexander and convinced me to try acupuncture for the arthritis pain I was having in my knee. I had a partial knee replacement 13 years ago and now I have really bad arthritis. I could not sleep at night without taking pain medicine. Since starting acupuncture my pain is gone. I am able to sleep without taking pain medicine. I can go hiking without pain or wearing a knee brace. Highly recommend.

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I would like to share the successful experience I had working with Sasha at the Acupuncture Clinic of Maui in Makawao, Hawaii. February 10, 2011 I first went to the clinic to receive treatment for my asthma which had been diagnosed in the fall of 2010 by a medical doctor. I began the prescribed Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Aresol (90 mcg) in October of 2010 inhaling 1-2 puffs 1-2 times a day as needed (as I recall I would use it a number of times a week when the fog is present and wheezing would get going causing tightness and difficulty breathing. While the medication gave me relief it was not healing my lungs and my concern was that when the cane burning began again (burning takes place between March and November yearly on Maui) I would be having more difficulty such as I experienced the year before with pneumonia if I did not find lung health versus simply coping with the asthmatic wheezing. My initial consultation and eventual weekly treatments gave me relief quickly with no need to use the puffer after the first few treatments. I received acupuncture and moxibustion with Sasha with, I believe, 11 treatments over a 3 week period. To this day I am no longer wheezing even in the height of the burning in my area.

I write to you in regards to the treatment and care my son and I received at the Community Acupuncture Clinic of Maui in Makawao from Sasha Kremer. I first went to the clinic with severe respiratory distress. I would have acute attacks that did not respond to the inhalers and asthma protocols given to me previously by medical practitioners.  My son was also experiencing respiratory challenges and would suffer from wheezing attacks, chronic bloody noses, and regular colds (monthly) and lung ailments.  We were told by an M.D. that “he does not have asthma as a wheeze cannot be induced. And, it is normal to sneeze repeatedly and have lots of colds during childhood.”  When I asked about his chronic bloody noses I was told that “bloody noses can also be a regular part of childhood.”  Since I was still having severe difficulty breathing, I was not satisfied with the results of this intervention and thus sought care from the clinic after reading that acupuncture can be very beneficial for respiratory problems.  The diagnoses given by Sasha were very accurate.  He was even able to connect other health problems we were both experiencing, which I hadn’t previously understood to be related. My son, 7 years old at the time, would have severe wheeze attacks that were extremely scary.  We saw immediate results after a treatment – usually before he would even leave the clinic the symptoms would be gone and he would be breathing completely normally again.  The combination of treatments strengthened his entire body.  He stopped getting colds and his immune system is stronger overall.   I am very happy to say he no longer has wheeze attacks and is no longer debilitated every month with a respiratory cold.  Additionally, he has also literally grown a lot more since his body is no longer weakened!
The acupuncture treatments I received and the herbs I used helped me get my condition under control.  I was very weak, not sleeping (because I couldn’t breathe), low weight and fatigued.  I feel acupuncture saved my life and kept me out of the hospital and able to function.  I no longer had to miss work and have my life stop because I was sick.  


I have suffered from allergies and asthma my entire life. I am a 49 year old male who was first diagnosed with food allergies as a 2 year old boy. I was unable to digest wheat and corn and have thus been on a restricted diet for most of my life. I also had serious airborne allergies for as long as I can remember that were managed primarily with OTC and prescription antihistamines. I have used Loratadine for at least 10 years and also Benadryl, Allegra, other antihistamines and different herbal remedies as well, primarily Nettle leaf, all in an attempt to breathe better. About 1995 I was first prescribed an inhaler to deal with occasional asthma attacks brought on by my wife’s cat. After getting a divorce and not living with an animal that I was allergic to, my breathing improved to the point that I didn’t have to use the inhaler anymore. Then around 2005 things got worse again when I moved to the Los Angeles area, renowned for its smog. I began having more severe allergies and my asthma slowly worsened. I was again prescribed an inhaler – Albuterol, which I began using occasionally. Also, I began taking Loratadine daily as well as a daily inhaler called Flovent. My illness worsened and by the year 2009, my asthma had progressed to the point where I was a regular visitor to the emergency room. That year I had to go to the emergency room 5 times as neither Flovent nor Albuterol nor Loratidine were able to keep my lungs functioning. On one of those visits, I was kept in the hospital for 3 days on a respirator as I wasn’t getting enough oxygen into my lungs and bloodstream. I was given a battery of medical tests including cardiac and pulmonary tests. The diagnosis was allergy induced asthma. I was prescribed Prednisone. One of the side effects of the asthma was that it had impaired my ability to work as I often felt exhausted from not breathing right.  Prednisone helped me breathe but it had horrendous side effects in making me easily and irrationally angry. I despised the way that drug made me feel – emotionally but used it only to keep myself alive. In January of 2010 I went to Maui for a meditation retreat and when asked how I was doing by a friend who lives there I told him that I felt that I was dying. That asthma was literally killing me. He highly recommended that I see Sasha Kremer for acupuncture. I went to Mr. Kremer who recommended that I do a treatment of 4 acupuncture sessions a week for 3 weeks. Upon beginning treatment I noticed that I felt better within the first week, and by the end of the third week I felt significantly better. Mr. Kremer recommended that when I go home I continue the acupuncture sessions once a week. I followed his advice very closely as the near death experience with asthma made me a very compliant patient. The first thing I noticed was that I didn’t need my inhalers. Nor did I need Prednisone. Within a few days of seeing Mr. Kremer, these medications became unnecessary. Also I began feeling much better and my day to day functioning improved. I was able to get through the pollen season – February to June in California with no emergency room visits. In fact, since I first saw Mr. Kremer I have been able to completely discontinue Prednisone, Flovent and Albuterol and I have not been to the emergency room for my asthma even once. The 2nd half of 2010 I discontinued the acupuncture sessions and assumed that I had been cured. However, in March 2011 as pollen season hit full swing in California I again began having asthma symptoms. I immediately began getting acupuncture treatments and as a result have been virtually symptom free in what I have been told has been a particularly vicious pollen season. Regarding Sasha Kremer, I found him to be a very warm, compassionate, engaging medical practitioner and I hold him in very high regard. Not only do I feel that he saved my life, but having gotten to know other acupuncturists in California I realize that Maui has a real treasure in him and I wholeheartedly recommend him as tops in his field.


When you asked me to write a testimonial about my daughter’s success with acupuncture, I realized that I have been trying very hard to forget the horrible years of her life when she had “acute asthma”.  However, as I lugged out the hundreds and hundreds of pages of my little girl’s health history, my memory is flooded with the nightmares of her ill-health because the hard facts are right here in front of me.
My daughter was a beautiful, healthy baby.  When she was just a few months old, I became pregnant again.  I was quite nervous about either one of us getting sick, so I did everything possible to keep both of us healthy.  I was certain to listen to her pediatrician at Kaiser, and get every one of her immunizations on time.  She never actually got sick until she was 18 month old.  When she was 2 and ½, she was diagnosed with acute sinusitis/bronchitis which later turned to pneumonia. Shortly after that, we moved to a new home and she continued to cough and seemed to get sick all the time. She had developed a horrible nighttime cough. I continued to bring her to Kaiser and she was diagnosed with bronchospasms / pharyngitis / cough.  Records show she had the horrible cough and wheezing for 3-4 weeks at a time.  I remember she never seemed to get better.  At 3 yrs old they gave her Albuterol and codeine cough syrup.  She had a horrible reaction.  She yelled and kicked and screamed and wouldn’t let us near her.  It was horrifying to see our 3 yr old baby go through this.  Also, she continued to get sick.  Two short months later, she had the same illness and that is when she received her first dose of steroid inhalants. They gave her Flovent, Albuterol and prelone.  I decided to seek alternative care.  I thought she may be allergic to something in our new house or maybe she had developed food allergies.  I took her to an osteopath and brought in many samples of things she touched and breathed.  I brought in samples of the grass outside her bedroom window, a chunk of carpet from her closet and stuffed animals that were washed in surf detergent and one washed in a natural, fragrance-free detergent.  I did not tell the Osteopath which one was which, as I wasn’t quite confident in this new alternative osteo-what? Well, she concluded that my daughter was most sensitive to the carpet and all fragrances, dairy, wheat and soy.  No problem with the grasses and flowers.  We immediately pulled the carpet out of her room.  It was saturated in carpet freshener.  We changed her diet and her health temporarily improved.  Since she continued to get sick I found someone that practiced NAET. He concluded that she had sensitivities to so many foods that I didn’t even know what to feed her anymore.  He also said that she was ‘out of his league’ and he didn’t think that he could help her.  Kaiser continued to administer the meds. We couldn’t really afford to pay out of pocket for too much alternative care so I did a lot of reading and asking questions and speaking with doctors and other parents about asthma and allergies. I took all old books and antiques out of her room and removed all fabrics, stuffed animals and curtains.  I washed her sheets and cleaned her room constantly.  We used air purifiers and did everything possible to keep our little girl healthy.  She continued to gasp for air.  All we could do was pray. In 2007, my daughter was 5 yrs old.  We had her nebulizer at home.  They kept increasing her medication but it didn’t work.  She was thin and not growing anymore.  She was once the tallest child in her pre-school. She was so sick and could hardly breathe.  We had to bring her to the ER in the middle of the night, 3 times that year.  Since nothing else worked, they had to give her a shot of prednisone, in the thigh. Kaiser flew us over to Oahu to see their Pulmonary Specialist.  He asked a lot of questions, as did I.  They took a lot of X-rays and told me that she would have to be on the steroid inhalant her whole life.  They prescribed Singular for a few months and said if that didn’t work, they would give her intranasal steroids.  She tried them both and in 2008 ended up in the ER 4 times. She missed 33 days of 1st grade due to asthma. I had heard from many people that acupuncture helped asthma.  My Kaiser Pediatrician’s Nurse even said that she had witnessed many success stories of the benefits of acupuncture for asthma. A friend referred me to the Community Acupuncture Clinic of Maui in Makawao. Thank goodness it was affordable. We met Sasha and loved him. My daughter was 7 years old and extremely afraid of needles. Sasha used an acupuncture stimulation machine in the beginning. Eventually, she was able to take the needles, now she loves them because she knows they make her feel better. We started off with approximately 20 treatments at twice a week. Then, we did once a week for approximately a year. In the meantime, Sasha asked me to bring the supplements my daughter had been taking. They filled a beach bag. He recommended stopping nearly all of them because it was overtaxing her little body. In the beginning, I was still giving my daughter all her meds – steroids, inhalants, etc… Then Sasha recommended I only give them to her in case of an emergency. I was petrified. She had all the symptoms of an attack ready to come on – runny nose, itchy nose, dry throat, and cough. In the past I would have doubled or tripled her steroids but this time I didn’t. Even my husband, “the alternative medicine skeptic” said that I should choose one approach or the other. So, when she began to cough that night, I gave her herbal remedies and hot steam shower and we made it through the night! We went in for a wonderful acupuncture treatment the next day and the attack passed. My daughter may have had one other non-threatening episode in the past two years and that’s it! Really, truly amazing! She is no longer taking all the drugs and she doesn’t have all those crazy sensitivities to all the foods on the planet. We can sit by the fire at the campsite and she can swim. She has “filled out” and is now a ballerina; she is on a swim team and plays soccer. She now has a glow in her eyes and her face is vibrant and healthy! She rarely gets sick now and when she does, it doesn’t last 3-4 weeks. She gets sick for a few days and when I hear her “normal, healthy, child cough”, I think it sounds beautiful! She is no longer wheezing and unable to catch her next breath. Just a normal cough! Now we go for a treatment once a month for maintenance. If it weren’t for Sasha I don’t even want to think what would have happened to our child. If the Clinic wasn’t so affordable, we wouldn’t have been able to have the healthy child we have today. My daughter is now 9 and ½ years old and healthy and happy. I recommend acupuncture for all ailments. Thank you Sasha!

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I highly recommend Sasha Kremer as an acupuncturist. I have been seeing Sasha for my Rheumatoid arthritis pain and joints freezing. When I am having a flare up my shoulder or wrist will freeze and be very painful.  Acupuncture and moxibustion can restore my range of motion and reduce my pain. I do not take any drugs for my arthritis except Aleve when needed. I take Chinese herbs and natural supplements and avoid trigger foods.  Last year, when I was first diagnosed I would get a frozen shoulder about twice a month and was in constant pain in my other joints. I started getting acupuncture right away and I only get frozen joints once every few months now and have much less pain.  Acupuncture is a great treatment for my short term emergencies and my long term improvement. I am grateful I do not have to take drugs to control it. I am a massage therapist and it helps me to continue to be able to work. 


I came to see Sasha in November of 2009 for psoriasis.  He strengthened my liver and kidneys with acupuncture and nutritional consultation.  Because of a great itching that would wake me up between 3-5am Sasha discovered a weakness in my lungs. He started treating my lungs with acupuncture and within a few treatments for the lungs the psoriasis was gone. It stays at bay as long as I receive regular acupuncture treatments. Regular being once or twice a month. I have had great relief from acupuncture and cupping. I would highly recommend and have recommended his treatments to friends and family with great success. 

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Bladder Issues

I have been attending the Community Acupuncture Clinic of Maui since they opened over two years ago.  I have been going on a weekly or biweekly basis this entire time and have referred them continuously.  Personally they have helped me via acupuncture treatments and dietary consultations for several conditions.  One of which was a severely weakened bladder that was spasming daily and debilitating.  This condition has not only been improved it has been entirely resolved.  Years of allopathic medicine and several consultations did nothing for me at all.  In addition to this I suffered from chronic herpes breakouts, some lingering over a month at a time.  Since regular treatment, I have had only 2 breakouts in this entire time, and they were short-lived.  Regularly I go to receive treatment for muscle tension as I am a massage therapist and consistently in need of relief.  The quality of my life is deeply enriched by their presence in our community.  I have come to know Sasha over the past few years and I truly admire his work and dedication to helping people and their general well-being.  He is of solid character and on a profound path as a human being and true healer.

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I came to the Community Acupuncture Clinic of Maui in Makawao because my heart was beating too slowly. Every time I stopped moving, it was hard to get up again. I got an acupuncture treatment there and my condition improved greatly. I have also been treated many times in the past with acupuncture for many varied ailments and been very satisfied with the results. I highly recommend it. Aloha.

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Chronic fatigue

Coming soon…

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Chronic Viral Infections

Aloha! It is with pleasure that I submit my personal testimony as proof of the amazing results received directly from the treatment of acupuncture. I am a female, 44 years of age, and approximately 20 years ago was privileged to have acupuncture treatment given to me from friends who were from China and had learned the art of acupuncture.  I was suffering from pneumonia at the time and my condition was steadily deteriorating.  After just one treatment, the fever broke and I was able to regain my strength and recover fully.  This was in Cape Town, South Africa. Years passed and with time, I started to feel less energized and was experiencing ongoing symptoms of sore throat after consuming sugar, severe migraine headaches which would occur at least once a month. The headaches were very severe, not being able to move, having to close the curtains and try to fall asleep to overcome the progressive headache which was accompanied by nausea and vomiting.  Other symptoms included aching knees, not being able to bend down as easily as before and feeling “old” in my movement.  I have had genital herpes for years… with recurring outbreaks almost monthly close to my menstrual period.  Another health disorder that appeared was itching in the anal area; this was very severe and very disturbing to my overall peace of mind. I tried many different health alternatives to achieve optimum health of which all had left me feeling exasperated and worried. Meeting Sasha Kremer was a blessing and a heaven-send.  He immediately was able to offer sound advice which I could feel started working immediately in terms of diet guidelines and acupuncture treatment.  I can honestly say that all the symptoms discussed above have completely disappeared and I am experiencing good health and well-being today!  I would strongly encourage anyone who has not tried acupuncture treatment to offer themselves this life-saving opportunity!

I have been attending the Community Acupuncture Clinic of Maui since they opened over two years ago.  I have been going on a weekly or biweekly basis this entire time and have referred them continuously.  Personally they have helped me via acupuncture treatments and dietary consultations for several conditions.  One of which was a severely weakened bladder that was spasming daily and debilitating.  This condition has not only been improved it has been entirely resolved.  Years of allopathic medicine and several consultations did nothing for me at all.  In addition to this I suffered from chronic herpes breakouts, some lingering over a month at a time.  Since regular treatment, I have had only 2 breakouts in this entire time, and they were short-lived. Regularly I go to receive treatment for muscle tension as I am a massage therapist and consistently in need of relief.  The quality of my life is deeply enriched by their presence in our community.  I have come to know Sasha over the past few years and I truly admire his work and dedication to helping people and their general well-being.  He is of solid character and on a profound path as a human being and true healer.

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I am writing to share my experience at the acupuncture clinic of Sasha Kremer.  When I first went to his clinic I was quite overweight (220 lbs), stressed out, and very fatigued.  My fasting blood sugar was 130. Sasha recommended acupuncture twice a week for six weeks and he gave me a customized dietary instruction.  After three weeks I noticed a big difference in how I felt, less stressed, less fatigued, and starting to lose weight.  After completing the 12 sessions, my energy stayed consistently high and I was able to lose a total of 30 lbs. My fasting glucose came down to 84. Aloha!

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Digestive Disorders

I have used many forms of alternative and western medicine for two chronic conditions: migraines and IBS. I have never found any treatment to be as effective as immediately as acupuncture. Upon meeting and beginning work with Sasha, I experienced a major shift in my body composition and mental calm. I was able to go off anxiety medication, stop taking pain medication for severe headaches and discontinue the use of a multitude of supplements and special foods aiding in my unexplained digestive issues. My headaches are much less frequent and less severe, and so far acupuncture is the only treatment that can actually stop my migraine as it starts to come on. I am a licensed massage therapist and believe strongly in the benefits of massage as prevention and therapy as well, but for me when I am in crisis mode – acupuncture works! I find that when I do not use acupuncture the frequency and severity of these conditions tends to increase, however what I love the most is that within a few sessions I feel the balance return and I am able to maintain this “healing” for quite some time. I am not stuck taking a pill everyday or restricting my lifestyle, I can use it when I feel I need it and then take time away. 

I have been seeing Sasha for about one year now.  I have had ongoing difficulties with several areas of my life.  My main problem area is my stomach where I have had lifelong gastrointestinal issues. I did a series of treatments with Sasha that lasted about 3 months and after the treatments my intestinal upset is vastly improved.  Prior to that I was taking charcoal daily and now find that it is only on occasion that I resort to any kind of antacid. I have also had difficult coughs and sinus problems that Sasha has assisted me with that medication like Allegra was not helping. I find the work I do with him is a great adjunct to modern medicine.

I can’t speak highly enough about my experiences at acupuncture works! I came in for two separate medical conditions (tinnitus and stomach pain) for which I had found no effective treatments despite many expensive tests and consultations with a number of medical specialists. Sasha (Alexander) listened carefully as I described these conditions and crafted a personalized approach. Through his treatments I finally was able to get some relief from these chronic issues. Sasha is a highly knowledgeable, caring professional and a master healer.

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Endocrine Disorders

In the 6th month of my pregnancy I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. After I gave birth, I was prescribed a high dose of thyroid hormones. I experienced the following symptoms: fatigue, depression, constipation, dandruff, and dry skin. I did not feel any improvement with the medication. The dosage had to be reduced because of the side effects (rapid heartbeat). I discovered the Community Acupuncture Clinic of Maui in Makawao. My lab tests before the treatments showed high TSH. After 12 treatments with acupuncture and some herbs, my TSH level went back to normal. I was able to experience joyful life full of energy. It’s been two years now since I’ve received the treatments and I am symptom free. Thank you so much Sasha for your help, knowledge and devotion.

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Eye Disorders

Randomly, my left eye started watering a lot. All day actually. It was starting to get super annoying, but I always thought it was allergies because it was on and off for like about a year with the change of seasons. When it was pretty consistent for like 2 months at a time and didn’t happen just with seasonal changes, I decided to go see my opthamologist. He said that my tear duct was closed and that is why my tears were not draining properly. I was confused about how that happened and he mentioned that sometimes it can get clogged from allergies. He wanted to take a look to see what was going on. He gave me anesthetic eye drops and pushed with the probe on my tear duct. He was puzzled to find that there was no tear duct hole and said a more invasive procedure would have to be done with lidocaine injections to the eye at another facility. I declined that because I feared needles in my eye and I thought that while it’s annoying my eye waters, I’d rather not have a procedure so I would just deal with it. Especially since the doctor said if I don’t do anything, it will not cause any harm. So I left and later that day at acupuncture I mentioned this to Sasha. He said that we will work on my eye. I laughed at it because I thought to myself, “how is this guy gonna make my eye stop watering if I literally don’t have a tear duct to drain the tears.” He said “we will work on it trust me.” After about 3 weeks (going to him for other issues not the eye), I was on a walk, and turned to my husband and said, “JAKE MY EYE HAS NOT BEEN WATERING FOR 2 WEEKS.” I called Sasha right away and was so happy and freaking out about this. Then, wondering how this was possible, I went back to the opthamologist that was super shocked that my eye had stopped watering because he said my tear duct was still very much closed. So anyways, I don’t know how he did it, but he did it. He is a miracle worker and YOU need him in your life. Thank you Sasha!!!!  


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At the age of 42 I was experiencing secondary infertility.  After having an unsuccessful IUI and two miscarriages, I sought the help of Sasha Kremer, who was referred by a friend and colleague who had successfully utilized his services. Sasha was great and explained that my body was extremely depleted and imbalanced and that I should wait to attempt to become pregnant and give my body a chance to gain strength.  He prepared a custom food protocol for me to follow and used acupuncture, including moxa, to correct my body’s imbalances.  He also advised that I cut the stress down in my life and exercise.  Doing acupuncture twice a week and following the food protocol, I felt much better very quickly.  I had a lot of energy and my cycles became very regular and went from three days to five days with good color and texture.  None of the western doctors that I had visited ever had any concern about my overall well being.  They merely focused on my age and FSH and advised that I really didn’t have much of a chance to conceive at my age.  Their impersonal methods made me feel more depressed and hopeless and the precision needed for blood to be drawn and shots to be given added a lot of stress that I felt undermined my ability to conceive.  On the contrary, with Sasha’s positivity, encouragement, gentle ability to motivate, and expertise I was able to conceive a healthy baby girl, thank G-d, who is now almost four years old.  Sasha has a wonderful gift and vast knowledge of acupuncture.  He is a dedicated healer.  I would not hesitate to recommend his services to anyone for any medical reason.  He is the best!!!

My medical diagnosis from doctors in Czech Republic was hypothyroidism and uterine congestion. My symptoms were heavy menstrual cramps, depression, low energy, and anxiety. For one and a half years I’ve tried to conceive a child without success. A friend recommended that I go see Sasha at the Community Acupuncture Clinic in Makawao while I was on a vacation on Maui. I received 7 acupuncture treatments in one week. My body responded very fast to Sasha’s treatments. I was able to enjoy my vacation with much more energy. But above all, six months later I was pregnant and that was the biggest gift I could get. I am now in the 7th month of my pregnancy and I am forever grateful to Sasha.

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I wish to share two amazing healing experiences with acupuncture treatment received by Sasha at the Community Acupuncture Clinic of Maui in Makawao, in hopes that this wonderful form of medicine will be used more locally and globally. My 13 year old daughter started having terrible Migraine headache attacks in early 2010. We took her for many tests; MRI, CAT scan, Eye exams, and all tests look normal. She was prescribed a medicine to help prevent an attack from developing further. She was to take it on the onset of the migraine, in hopes that she would not go into seizure activity and go blind in one eye, as she had in the past. There was no other “cure” or help they could give us. I was not satisfied with that, and knew from previous experiences, that acupuncture could help her to heal from what was causing the migraine attacks. She started receiving treatments from Sasha 2x a week for 12 treatments total, and then continued another 4 treatments, and she was feeling well enough that she did not want to continue. She has not had any more severe attacks, and has not complained of an even a simple headache in months. Her energy level is back to normal, and she is a happy and healthy child. I am so very grateful to Sasha for bringing this medicine to our community for such a low cost. He helped my daughter tremendously. My second story is about me. Back in 2009, I started having irregular menstrual cycles. I went to my Ob-Gyn who did an ultrasound and found 2 small fibroid tumors. She put me on birth control pills to regulate my periods. I took them for 1.5 years, but then I started to have problems with my heart – PVC’s, irregular beats, pounding palpitations, and rapid heartbeat once that sent me to the Emergency room. Hence, I discontinued the pill, and then they inserted an IUD in me, thinking that would be better. I had it in for 9 months and I bled almost every day lightly for 9 months. I had become anemic. I again had an ultrasound, to find out that my body was rejecting it, and had pushed it into my cervix. Also, I had grown a third fibroid tumor during the course of these treatments, and my uterus had enlarged to 12 inches. The IUD was removed, and they put me on a different pill. I continued to bleed every day, but this time very heavily with clots. Once again, Emergency room visits. That’s when I went to Sasha for help. I stopped the birth control pill and started acupuncture twice weekly. It has been one month since beginning this treatment, and this is the first month in over 2 years that I have had a normal menstrual cycle with no spotting in between!! I feel so much healthier already. I plan to have another ultrasound in August, to see the status of the tumors. Acupuncture is truly an amazing form of medicine, and I highly recommend it to everyone I know!

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I have been suffering from mild to severe headaches for a very long time. Tried all kinds of pain medication, nothing works, pain was still there. As a result of my acupuncture treatment for about 2 and half months with Sasha Kremer, I’m now pain free. I highly recommend him.


I was suffering from headaches for some time. I went through a series of tests that proved nothing medically wrong. I went to physical therapy for a while, however, that started to produce headaches after a while. I do not like to take medication and therefore I thought I would give acupuncture a try. I was amazed at the immediate results. It seemed that after a series of treatments when a headache was beginning, it would go away within minutes. I find that acupuncture is also good for maintaining health and should be incorporated into the western medical system. The Community Acupuncture Clinic of Maui in Makawao offers wonderful treatments at an affordable price. I am very thankful and grateful for the work that Sasha does in Makawao.


I had been experiencing daily headaches for almost two months.  I went to see a doctor at Kaiser who suggested that I might be experiencing migraines and recommended that I start taking Excedrin Migraine to treat them. I told the doctor that I had already been taking ibuprofen daily and was more interested in the cause and the prevention of the headaches rather than just treating the pain. The doctor explained that if the headaches persist after taking Excedrin, he would prescribe a low level antidepressant to treat the headaches. After a couple of weeks of taking Excedrin almost daily, and not interested in going on antidepressants, I decided to seek out a more holistic approach to my problem. After about two weeks of treatments at the Community Acupuncture Clinic of Maui in Makawao, my headaches disappeared. The acupuncture treatments also helped treat other issues I had been experiencing, including chronic fatigue and debilitating menstrual cramps with heavy bleeding. After 12 sessions of acupuncture I am feeling more alert, less tired, and my last period was less heavy with minimal cramps. I would very much recommend acupuncture as an effective alternative to pain medications in the treatment and prevention of headaches and painful menstrual periods.


Aloha! It is with pleasure that I submit my personal testimony as proof of the amazing results received directly from the treatment of acupuncture. I am a female, 44 years of age, and approximately 20 years ago was privileged to have acupuncture treatment given to me from friends who were from China and had learned the art of acupuncture.  I was suffering from pneumonia at the time and my condition was steadily deteriorating.  After just one treatment, the fever broke and I was able to regain my strength and recover fully.  This was in Cape Town, South Africa. Years passed and with time, I started to feel less energized and was experiencing ongoing symptoms of sore throat after consuming sugar, severe migraine headaches which would occur at least once a month. The headaches were very severe, not being able to move, having to close the curtains and try to fall asleep to overcome the progressive headache which was accompanied by nausea and vomiting.  Other symptoms included aching knees, not being able to bend down as easily as before and feeling “old” in my movement.  I have had genital herpes for years… with recurring outbreaks almost monthly close to my menstrual period.  Another health disorder that appeared was itching in the anal area; this was very severe and very disturbing to my overall peace of mind. I tried many different health alternatives to achieve optimum health of which all had left me feeling exasperated and worried. Meeting Sasha Kremer was a blessing and a heaven-send.  He immediately was able to offer sound advice which I could feel started working immediately in terms of diet guidelines and acupuncture treatment.  I can honestly say that all the symptoms discussed above have completely disappeared and I am experiencing good health and well-being today!  I would strongly encourage anyone who has not tried acupuncture treatment to offer themselves this life-saving opportunity!


I have used many forms of alternative and western medicine for two chronic conditions: migraines and IBS. I have never found any treatment to be as effective as immediately as acupuncture. Upon meeting and beginning work with Sasha, I experienced a major shift in my body composition and mental calm. I was able to go off anxiety medication, stop taking pain medication for severe headaches and discontinue the use of a multitude of supplements and special foods aiding in my unexplained digestive issues. My headaches are much less frequent and less severe, and so far acupuncture is the only treatment that can actually stop my migraine as it starts to come on. I am a licensed massage therapist and believe strongly in the benefits of massage as prevention and therapy as well, but for me when I am in crisis mode – acupuncture works! I find that when I do not use acupuncture the frequency and severity of these conditions tends to increase, however what I love the most is that within a few sessions I feel the balance return and I am able to maintain this “healing” for quite some time. I am not stuck taking a pill everyday or restricting my lifestyle, I can use it when I feel I need it and then take time away. 


My 13 year old daughter started having terrible Migraine headache attacks in early 2010. We took her for many tests; MRI, CAT scan, Eye exams, and all tests look normal. She was prescribed a medicine to help prevent an attack from developing further. She was to take it on the onset of the migraine, in hopes that she would not go into seizure activity and go blind in one eye, as she had in the past. There was no other “cure” or help they could give us. I was not satisfied with that, and knew from previous experiences, that acupuncture could help her to heal from what was causing the migraine attacks. She started receiving treatments from Sasha 2x a week for 12 treatments total, and then continued another 4 treatments, and she was feeling well enough that she did not want to continue. She has not had any more severe attacks, and has not complained of an even a simple headache in months. Her energy level is back to normal, and she is a happy and healthy child. I am so very grateful to Sasha for bringing this medicine to our community for such a low cost. He helped my daughter tremendously.


Aloha, I have been receiving acupuncture for 10 months at the Community Acupuncture Clinic of Maui. I am very pleased with the results. What made me seek help were PMS issues. Before I got treatment I would have heavy blood flow and big clots, severe cramping, mood swings, insomnia, and headaches, also on the 14 day of my cycle I would bleed again for 4 days. After about 2 – 3 months of treatments I noticed changes: I stopped bleeding on the 14 day of my cycle which I was so happy about, no insomnia, no severe cramping and clots, everything is so much more manageable I don’t feel like my cycle is controlling my life anymore.


I wish to share two amazing healing experiences with acupuncture treatment received by Sasha at the Community Acupuncture Clinic of Maui in Makawao, in hopes that this wonderful form of medicine will be used more locally and globally.
My 13 year old daughter started having terrible Migraine headache attacks in early 2010. We took her for many tests; MRI, CAT scan, Eye exams, and all tests look normal. She was prescribed a medicine to help prevent an attack from developing further. She was to take it on the onset of the migraine, in hopes that she would not go into seizure activity and go blind in one eye, as she had in the past. There was no other “cure” or help they could give us. I was not satisfied with that, and knew from previous experiences, that acupuncture could help her to heal from what was causing the migraine attacks. She started receiving treatments from Sasha 2x a week for 12 treatments total, and then continued another 4 treatments, and she was feeling well enough that she did not want to continue. She has not had any more severe attacks, and has not complained of an even a simple headache in months. Her energy level is back to normal, and she is a happy and healthy child. I am so very grateful to Sasha for bringing this medicine to our community for such a low cost. He helped my daughter tremendously. My second story is about me. Back in 2009, I started having irregular menstrual cycles. I went to my Ob-Gyn who did an ultrasound and found 2 small fibroid tumors. She put me on birth control pills to regulate my periods. I took them for 1.5 years, but then I started to have problems with my heart – PVC’s, irregular beats, pounding palpitations, and rapid heartbeat once that sent me to the Emergency room. Hence, I discontinued the pill, and then they inserted an IUD in me, thinking that would be better. I had it in for 9 months and I bled almost every day lightly for 9 months. I had become anemic. I again had an ultrasound, to find out that my body was rejecting it, and had pushed it into my cervix. Also, I had grown a third fibroid tumor during the course of these treatments, and my uterus had enlarged to 12 inches. The IUD was removed, and they put me on a different pill. I continued to bleed every day, but this time very heavily with clots. Once again, Emergency room visits. That’s when I went to Sasha for help. I stopped the birth control pill and started acupuncture twice weekly. It has been one month since beginning this treatment, and this is the first month in over 2 years that I have had a normal menstrual cycle with no spotting in between!! I feel so much healthier already. I plan to have another ultrasound in August, to see the status of the tumors. Acupuncture is truly an amazing form of medicine, and I highly recommend it to everyone I know! Warmest Alohas

I started with Sasha for debilitating migraines. I was at my wits end, nothing worked for me. Since I started I have had no migraines!! He started to work on my hip pain and it is feeling much better!
Sasha is incredibly skilled at his craft with a gift for what he does! I highly recommend him!

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One year ago I had very poor sleep and high blood pressure. One day my blood pressure was so high I was admitted to the hospital and when I came home with a bunch of pills, my son recommended that I try acupuncture treatment with Alexander Kremer instead since he went to him and experienced good result from acupuncture treatment. I did go to him and after several weeks of treatment i started feeling much better. My blood pressure went down without pills and I was able to sleep all night without waking up.Overall my experience was excellent. Alexander Kremer is very professional and  knowledgeable in acupuncture and I would highly recommend him to anyone suffering from any illness  or diseases to heal. It turns out acupuncture is a good treatment for almost everything. Thank you.

Sasha is amazing, he is truly a miracle worker. He has healed me of so many ailments, from headaches, high blood pressure, anxiety, to shrinking my tumor -which doctors were blown away at! If you are interested in trying acupuncture but have reservations, do not hesitant, but only go to Sasha. acupuncture works, but Sasha truly has magical hands. He can tell what’s wrong by listening to your pulse. After your pulse reading, he will work on strengthening your weak areas. Be patient, healing takes time. However, it works, and it’s so worth it. My whole family goes to Sasha and I can’t recommend him enough.


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In the 6th month of my pregnancy I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. After I gave birth, I was prescribed a high dose of thyroid hormones. I experienced the following symptoms: fatigue, depression, constipation, dandruff, and dry skin. I did not feel any improvement with the medication. The dosage had to be reduced because of the side effects (rapid heartbeat). I discovered the Community Acupuncture Clinic of Maui in Makawao. My lab tests before the treatments showed high TSH. After 12 treatments with acupuncture and some herbs, my TSH level went back to normal. I was able to experience joyful life full of energy. It’s been two years now since I’ve received the treatments and I am symptom free. Thank you so much Sasha for your help, knowledge and devotion.

I am a dental hygienist that has been to several acupuncturists over the years. I would highly recommend Alexander. I came to him a year ago to help me with sleep and pain due to my job. We figured that my thyroid was part of the problem. I am now sleeping much better, have lowered my medication, and my pain has been very manageable. I have recommended several of my dental patients that have had issues that traditional medicine no longer worked. They were at a point that they were willing to try anything and all have come back to me thanking me for the referral.

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One year ago I had very poor sleep and high blood pressure.One day my blood pressure was so high I was admitted to the hospital and when I came home with a bunch of pills, my son recommended that I try acupuncture treatment with Alexander Kremer instead since he went to him and experienced good result from acupuncture treatment. I did go to him and after several weeks of treatment I started feeling much better. My blood pressure went down without pills and I was able to sleep all night without waking up. Overall my experience was excellent. Alexander Kremer is very professional and  knowledgeable in acupuncture and I would highly recommend him to anyone suffering from any illness  or diseases to heal. It turns out acupuncture is a good treatment for almost everything. Thank you.


I am a dental hygienist that has been to several acupuncturists over the years. I would highly recommend Alexander. I came to him a year ago to help me with sleep and pain due to my job. We figured that my thyroid was part of the problem. I am now sleeping much better, have lowered my medication, and my pain has been very manageable. I have recommended several of my dental patients that have had issues that traditional medicine no longer worked. They were at a point that they were willing to try anything and all have come back to me thanking me for the referral.

I wholeheartedly recommend Sasha as an exceptional acupuncturist!
I was dealing with issues related to weak kidneys and lungs, which significantly affected my overall well-being. I suffered from insomnia, woke up frequently at night, and felt constantly drained. On top of that, I had eczema and nasal congestion, both of which severely impacted my quality of life.

After completing a course of treatment with Sasha, I experienced remarkable improvements. My insomnia completely disappeared—I now sleep soundly through the night. The eczema that had troubled me for so long is gone, and my skin is clear. The nasal congestion has also resolved, and I can breathe freely and easily.

Most importantly, I’ve regained energy and strength in my body, and my overall health has significantly improved. I feel rejuvenated and renewed!

Sasha is a true professional who takes great care in addressing every detail of his patients’ health. His approach is thoughtful, compassionate, and rooted in a deep understanding of the human body and the precise techniques of acupuncture.

If you are looking for a skilled and dedicated specialist to trust with your health, I wholeheartedly recommend Sasha. His treatments are not just therapy but a path to restoring your body and spirit!

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Menopause and Perimenopause

I’m a 48-yr old woman with a history of alcohol abuse and hypoglycemia.  Two years ago, I luckily was able to give up alcohol all together.  From that day forward, I suffered from terrible headaches, hot flashes, and had absolutely no energy.  Why? I had complete blood work done (2 years in a row), but the tests always came back normal, and I was eating healthy.  My physician had no explanation for me, except that I was just “getting old”.  My low energy continued to decline until I was virtually bed-ridden just 2 months ago. However all that changed when I started acupuncture with Sasha. By testing the function of my organs, he determined I had weak kidneys and liver.  Within one week of my first treatment, the hot flashes nearly disappeared, absolutely no headaches and my energy level is on the rise more every day. It’s like I’ve been given my life back!

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Menstrual Irregularities

I gladly put forth this letter of recommendation for the acupuncture work of Sasha Kremer. I came in for inflammation and pain in my foot, metatarsal area.  In the process of my diagnosis Sasha read my pulses and was also able to discern weak kidneys.  We worked for 12 treatments, at a very reasonable price that I was able to pay out of pocket, to address my health problems.  I received both acupuncture and dietary consultation in my treatment.  Within a short time the tissues in my foot were on the mend and my overall physical strength had increased.  As a side benefit, my monthly period has also improved with less blood loss, decreased bleeding duration and no cramping
Overall my experience was excellent and I have recommended Sasha several times since.  He is extremely professional, thorough, and exceptional in his concern and presence with me as a patient.  He is a wonderful and gifted healer.  I truly appreciate his work and can wholeheartedly recommend him.


Back in 2009, I started having irregular menstrual cycles. I went to my Ob-Gyn who did an ultrasound and found 2 small fibroid tumors. She put me on birth control pills to regulate my periods. I took them for 1.5 years, but then I started to have problems with my heart – PVC’s, irregular beats, pounding palpitations, and rapid heartbeat once that sent me to the Emergency room. Hence, I discontinued the pill, and then they inserted an IUD in me, thinking that would be better. I had it in for 9 months and I bled almost every day lightly for 9 months. I had become anemic. I again had an ultrasound, to find out that my body was rejecting it, and had pushed it into my cervix. Also, I had grown a third fibroid tumor during the course of these treatments, and my uterus had enlarged to 12 inches. The IUD was removed, and they put me on a different pill. I continued to bleed every day, but this time very heavily with clots. Once again, Emergency room visits. That’s when I went to Sasha for help. I stopped the birth control pill and started acupuncture twice weekly. It has been one month since beginning this treatment, and this is the first month in over 2 years that I have had a normal menstrual cycle with no spotting in between!! I feel so much healthier already. I plan to have another ultrasound in August, to see the status of the tumors. Acupuncture is truly an amazing form of medicine, and I highly recommend it to everyone I know!

Aloha, I have been receiving acupuncture for 10 months at the Community Acupuncture Clinic of Maui. I am very pleased with the results. What made me seek help were PMS issues. Before I got treatment I would have heavy blood flow and big clots, severe cramping, mood swings, insomnia, and headaches, also on the 14 day of my cycle I would bleed again for 4 days. After about 2 – 3 months of treatments I noticed changes: I stopped bleeding on the 14 day of my cycle which I was so happy about, no insomnia, no severe cramping and clots, everything is so much more manageable I don’t feel like my cycle is controlling my life anymore.


First, I want to start off by saying that Sasha is a God-send. My mother and I both continue to see him for various issues. The one that I am writing about is menstrual irregularities. When I went to Sasha, I had no menstrual cycle for about a year and a half. I was underweight, so I gained some weight, exercised less, still no period. So I heard that there was an acupuncturist that could help. I was skeptical at first because my mom had went to an acupuncturist before that did not work and just tried to push supplements. However, at that point I was willing to do anything and I agreed to do. First off, Sasha did not push anything on me AT ALL not even once. So already, I was curious how someone just listened to my pulse and told me exactly what was wrong with me. Menstrual irregularities and digestive issues (testimonial I will write separately about). I was shocked. He said we would work on it and that it would get better. I went for a 10 treatments in a row, took a break for 2 weeks, and then did another 10 treatments, and the same cycle. No period for a while, but I still kept going because I felt my energy levels go up, my digestion was starting to improve, I slept better, and overall, felt better. After probably 6 months, I felt like I was about to get a period. So Sasha said to see what happens and stop treatments for a bit…and I actually ended up getting my period!!!!! I have had my period for a little over a year, I get it every month on the same exact day. I continue to go to Sasha (when I am back in PA since I have moved) every chance I get and recommend that you do too! Thank you Sasha! You have given me the power to get my cycle back, the most important indicator of female health, and now my husband and I can start a family whenever we want 🙂 I cannot thank you enough! God bless you!


I started acupuncture with Sasha and it was an incredible experience.  The treatments were relaxing and I felt a significant reduction in my stress levels.  After a few sessions, I noticed a huge improvement with my Plantar Fasciitis. I would highly recommend Sasha and his services. My menstrual cycle was very off and during my treatments, he was able to improve them as well. 

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Coming soon…

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Aloha! It is with pleasure that I submit my personal testimony as proof of the amazing results received directly from the treatment of acupuncture. I am a female, 44 years of age, and approximately 20 years ago was privileged to have acupuncture treatment given to me from friends who were from China and had learned the art of acupuncture.  I was suffering from pneumonia at the time and my condition was steadily deteriorating.  After just one treatment, the fever broke and I was able to regain my strength and recover fully.  This was in Cape Town, South Africa. Years passed and with time, I started to feel less energized and was experiencing ongoing symptoms of sore throat after consuming sugar, severe migraine headaches which would occur at least once a month. The headaches were very severe, not being able to move, having to close the curtains and try to fall asleep to overcome the progressive headache which was accompanied by nausea and vomiting.  Other symptoms included aching knees, not being able to bend down as easily as before and feeling “old” in my movement.  I have had genital herpes for years… with recurring outbreaks almost monthly close to my menstrual period.  Another health disorder that appeared was itching in the anal area; this was very severe and very disturbing to my overall peace of mind. I tried many different health alternatives to achieve optimum health of which all had left me feeling exasperated and worried. Meeting Sasha Kremer was a blessing and a heaven-send.  He immediately was able to offer sound advice which I could feel started working immediately in terms of diet guidelines and acupuncture treatment.  I can honestly say that all the symptoms discussed above have completely disappeared and I am experiencing good health and well-being today!  I would strongly encourage anyone who has not tried acupuncture treatment to offer themselves this life-saving opportunity!


I was struggling with a very painful knee after an injury. Nothing helped until I decided to give acupuncture a try. After some research I called Sasha Kremer and set up an appointment. 5 appointments in and my knee is so improved. Sasha is professional and knowledgeable in his field of acupuncture. I was comfortable during sessions and felt he listened well to my concerns. He also identified a blood pressure problem and encouraged me to contact my doctor. I strongly encourage anyone trying to solve a medical issue to give acupuncture a try. I am so pleased to be able to resume my normal activities. And , no the needles do not hurt!

I had too much pain in my feet and could not sleep all night. I was not able to cover my feet while sleeping, and did not use socks because my feet were too hot. I saw three different doctors and they all told me to keep taking pills for nerve pains which i never followed what they told me.
I checked online and i found Alexander. I went to his office several times and i am going back again and again. Alexander is taking his time explaining to me what i need, he is perfect in what he does, I highly recommend him to everyone.

It was my first acupuncture treatment and, being a bit of a skeptic, I was really pleased. I could actually notice the change taking place and the flow of energy through my body during the treatment and after. I’ve been having trouble with my knees and hips. The very first treatment helped. I have had three treatments and I feel better all the time. I highly recommend to everyone that acupuncture is a good treatment for almost anything. I will get acupuncture from now on because of the great experience I have enjoyed at the Community Acupuncture Clinic of Maui in Makawao. Sasha is very gifted in giving these treatments. I feel lucky to have found him.

I have received acupuncture treatments from Sasha Kremer. My problem was a pinched nerve on the left side of my neck. The pain was so severe that I had difficulty getting out of bed. After two sessions with Sasha Kremer, much of the pain had disappeared. This is my third treatment and, hopefully, the slight pain will be no more.


I gladly put forth this letter of recommendation for the acupuncture work of Sasha Kremer. I came in for inflammation and pain in my foot, metatarsal area.  In the process of my diagnosis Sasha read my pulses and was also able to discern weak kidneys.  We worked for 12 treatments, at a very reasonable price that I was able to pay out of pocket, to address my health problems.  I received both acupuncture and dietary consultation in my treatment.  Within a short time the tissues in my foot were on the mend and my overall physical strength had increased.  As a side benefit, my monthly period has also improved with less blood loss, decreased bleeding duration and no cramping. 
Overall my experience was excellent and I have recommended Sasha several times since.  He is extremely professional, thorough, and exceptional in his concern and presence with me as a patient.   He is a wonderful and gifted healer.  I truly appreciate his work and can wholeheartedly recommend him. After orthopedic surgeons and chiropractors could not help my left shoulder and  after just one acupuncture  treatment in Makawao it cured the agonizing pain.

Initially, I came to the clinic because of the pain in the joints. Sasha Kremer began treating me with acupuncture and we got quick results despite the fact that I practice martial arts and my joints take a lot of beating. During diagnosis Sasha listened to my pulse and said that my Kidneys are weak. I was surprised to hear it as I wasn’t experiencing any symptoms. A few weeks later I was visiting my brother on the mainland and I decided to get my blood tested. When my doctor called me with the results of decreased kidney function, I got worried because the numbers weren’t good. But I was able to tell him that I already know that because my acupuncturist told me! When I returned to Hawaii I did a course of acupuncture treatments to improve GFR (glomerular filtration rate) and normalize the levels of creatinine. I am happy to report that after a course of acupuncture treatments my kidney function improved and GFR and creatinine levels became normal!

After orthopedic surgeons and chiropractors could not help my left shoulder and  after just one acupuncture  treatment in Makawao it cured the agonizing pain.

Aloha, I came to Sasha when I was six months pregnant. I was desperate because I was in so much back pain I could not sleep laying down; it was so painful to use the restroom because that required me to move. I started drinking less water. Not a good situation when you need to nourish your baby. I went to chiropractic care and had massages but neither helped. Literally on the verge of tears I went to Sasha for one last hope. In one session 50% of the pain went away and I was able to sleep lying down. The next day (2nd session) another 25% of pain went away and after the 3rd session (3rd day in a row) I was at 80% pain free. After that I was a believer in acupuncture. Before I just went to Kaiser to get my needs met. Now I try acupuncture first.  Everything I have gone to him for since has worked. I am Sasha’s biggest fan. I have told so many people about him I even bought my friend a free session to try.

I’ve suffered with undiagnosed pain in the joints of the largest toe of my left foot for the greater part of the past year. Sharp stabbing pain would overwhelm me upon completion of a stressful day and an awful dull pain would radiate into the rest of the foot with each step in the mornings . Swelling was very noticeable as I came to the conclusion to seek a remedy. On the advice of my wife I visited with Sasha at the Acupuncture Clinic of Maui and after only one treatment by Sasha I have no recurrence of that painful and mysterious foot condition. Mahalo nui for the option of acupuncture as a treatment for conditions that could easily take up so much time and money to diagnose and treat with drugs and surgery. I am hopeful that Sasha will be available to me on occasion that I ever need health care again. As well, may access be available to anyone who has a health problem that may be treatable with acupuncture.

After many weeks of intense muscle spasms in my back, money out of pocket for doctor visits, medications (none that worked) and much frustration I resorted to going to the Community Acupuncture Clinic of Maui in Makawao.  I do have existing medical conditions:  Multiple Sclerosis and Diabetes.  I was a little hesitant to go but one of my friends recommended Sasha very highly. I have always been one to go to the “doctors” for anything that bothered me.  I am happy that I went to Sasha for acupuncture. After only 4 sessions I have no spasms at all and my quality of life has been restored.  I firmly believe now in acupuncture.  I’m sure I only would have needed one session but due to my existing medical conditions and having diabetes making things slow to heal I needed more sessions.  I would like to add that Sasha is very professional.  I would highly recommend Sasha as an acupuncturist.

I have had pain in the Ischial Tuberosity for about 5 years. Apparently this is a condition that many runners suffer from, and according to the runner’s websites, forums and chat rooms I have visited, there really isn’t much of a cure. The advice many are given is ‘quit running’. So we do, for a while, and sometimes the pain lessens, and sometimes it doesn’t. And it ALWAYS comes back if we should start becoming active again. I don’t remember where it came from, as I didn’t have an injury per se, it was just an aching pain in my gluteal muscles that would spread to my hamstring and down to my knee. I had been to 5 or 6 doctors and pain specialists, and was given MRIs and X-rays and was given cortisone shots and all different kinds of medications. Over the years I was prescribed Lyrica, Gabapentin, and different kinds of steroids, strong anti-inflammatories and finally Vicodin. While the Vicodin did kill the pain, and worked in a pinch, it was not really solving the issue. I have also tried massage, Rolfing, meditation and physical therapy. I have been practicing yoga for years. I know that my doctors and teachers were doing their best, and met some very caring and kind individuals. However, I was hoping to find a solution to my pain that would allow me to lead the full and healthy and active life I was meant for. I know that everybody is different and lucky for me, I responded very well to acupuncture at the Community Acupuncture Clinic in Makawao. I came in one day, just hoping that by trying something different I could get some relief. As a teacher, acupuncture had always been out of reach financially, so I was thrilled to find a clinic right in my town that I could try! Well, Sasha got right to work. I came (if I remember correctly) two or three times a week for 10 weeks, and then for ‘check ups’ over the next year or so every other week or so, or maybe once a month. I am sorry, I can’t remember exactly. Anyway, as I lay on the table, needles sticking out of me, I could feel electricity coursing through my body. And yet, I would feel relaxed, almost in a dream state. I can’t remember what Sasha told me, something about the brainwaves working differently. He would joke with me as I left the office in a dreamy state after my sessions. Apparently, and luckily, my body just loved and responded very well to acupuncture! Anyway, slowly, my pain began to subside with treatment. Sasha said that the area was full of inflammation from overuse and over stretching. With his treatments he was able to bring down that inflammation and allow the area to begin healing. I am sure he can explain what he did, as he is the expert, and I am just a grateful witness. I have had a lot of relief from my pain. While it will flare up from time to time, and I will take an anti inflammatory now and again, I do not have the agonizing, aching, keep me awake at night, constant pain I used to have. I was amazed at how well acupuncture worked. I am impressed, blessed and eternally grateful. 

My daughter recommended I see Sasha because I was having extreme leg pain. I couldn’t move around without using a cane. In addition to the treatment I received, Sasha encouraged me to do research into a certain medication that I was taking that could possibly contribute to the leg pain that I was experiencing. After a series of acupuncture treatments, I am pain free and no longer in need of using a cane. His advice and care proved helpful.

I began seeing Sasha in the fall of 2023 presenting with severe and persistent back pain due to 3 spinal surgeries in 2019. I resorted to acupuncture as a last resort.  Due to the pain I had to use a walker or cane to ambulate. I suffered from painful Rheumatoid Arthritis and was prescribed a high dose of methotrexate which caused significant damage to my kidneys. I also suffered from mixed manic episodes, was obese, and a 2 pack/day smoker.

During my sessions with Sasha over the course of 1 year I lost 75 pounds; weaned myself off methotrexate thereby increasing my kidney function; experienced significant decrease in my back and join pain such that I no longer need assistive devices to walk. I even started to jog with my dog! Sasha also worked with me to decrease my anxiety/depression by teaching me meditative breathing techniques. As a result, I have also weaned myself off many psychotropic medications. I quit smoking one year ago as well!

My experience with Sasha has been life transforming for me. I came to Sasha for relief of my back pain through acupuncture, and came away with integrative knowledge of alternative methods for alleviating various physical and mental conditions. A healthy body equals a healthy mind, and vice versa. Sasha is a wonderful acupuncturist and so much more! It was been a great pleasure to have had him work with me to alleviate so many problems which made me miserable for many years. I will miss him dearly. May God highly favor him in his future endeavors.

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Pediatric Conditions

Coming soon…

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Plantar Fasciitis

I started acupuncture with Sasha and it was an incredible experience.  The treatments were relaxing and I felt a significant reduction in my stress levels.  After a few sessions, I noticed a huge improvement with my Plantar Fasciitis. I would highly recommend Sasha and his services. My menstrual cycle was very off and during my treatments, he was able to improve them as well. 

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I wish to give my testimony about the benefits I have received from regular acupuncture treatments with Sasha Kremer at the Community Acupuncture Clinic of Maui in Makawao. During my pregnancy last year, I received weekly acupuncture treatments to assist me with many pregnancy related symptoms such as fatigue, heartburn, back pain and headaches. The first issue was morning sickness and fatigue, which I am pleased to say, did indeed improve, as I felt more energy, vitality and overall sense of wellness after only a few treatments. This immediate improvement in my fatigue made such a difference that I was able to feel good and enjoy 9 months of pregnancy and maintain excellent health. The treatments helped me significantly with my morning sickness, headaches, dizziness and back pain. On several occasions I felt the headache dissipating during the treatment and left the clinic headache free, which was a great relief. Sasha is well trained and highly knowledgeable and has a very professional, caring approach and I trusted him to take excellent care of me during my sensitive time of pregnancy, which I took very seriously. He worked in conjunction with my doctor and midwife to ensure I received excellent care and that all my health needs were met. Maintaining good health and overall balance and well-being during pregnancy is obviously of utmost importance and acupuncture was able to address the pain symptoms, many of which could not be safely treated with medication during pregnancy. I would highly recommend making acupuncture available to assist patients in need in their healing process and then in maintaining good health, stress and disease prevention.

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Renal Insufficiency

Initially, I came to the clinic because of the pain in the joints. Sasha Kremer began treating me with acupuncture and we got quick results despite the fact that I practice martial arts and my joints take a lot of beating. During diagnosis Sasha listened to my pulse and said that my Kidneys are weak. I was surprised to hear it as I wasn’t experiencing any symptoms. A few weeks later I was visiting my brother on the mainland and I decided to get my blood tested. When my doctor called me with the results of decreased kidney function, I got worried because the numbers weren’t good. But I was able to tell him that I already know that because my acupuncturist told me! When I returned to Hawaii I did a course of acupuncture treatments to improve GFR (glomerular filtration rate) and normalize the levels of creatinine. I am happy to report that after a course of acupuncture treatments my kidney function improved and GFR and creatinine levels became normal!

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Rheumatoid Arthritis

I began seeing Sasha in the fall of 2023 presenting with severe and persistent back pain due to 3 spinal surgeries in 2019. I resorted to acupuncture as a last resort.  Due to the pain I had to use a walker or cane to ambulate. I suffered from painful Rheumatoid Arthritis and was prescribed a high dose of methotrexate which caused significant damage to my kidneys. I also suffered from mixed manic episodes, was obese, and a 2 pack/day smoker.

During my sessions with Sasha over the course of 1 year I lost 75 pounds; weaned myself off methotrexate thereby increasing my kidney function; experienced significant decrease in my back and join pain such that I no longer need assistive devices to walk. I even started to jog with my dog! Sasha also worked with me to decrease my anxiety/depression by teaching me meditative breathing techniques. As a result, I have also weaned myself off many psychotropic medications. I quit smoking one year ago as well!

My experience with Sasha has been life transforming for me. I came to Sasha for relief of my back pain through acupuncture, and came away with integrative knowledge of alternative methods for alleviating various physical and mental conditions. A healthy body equals a healthy mind, and vice versa. Sasha is a wonderful acupuncturist and so much more! It was been a great pleasure to have had him work with me to alleviate so many problems which made me miserable for many years. I will miss him dearly. May God highly favor him in his future endeavors.

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I was hesitant about acupuncture for years, especially as a therapist myself, but my experience with Sasha completely changed my perspective. After a car accident two years ago, I dealt with constant sciatic nerve pain. I tried physical therapy and nerve blocks, but nothing provided lasting relief. Eventually, I found myself taking Ibuprofen 800 mg 2-3 times a day just to get through the day.

Feeling frustrated, I decided to try acupuncture as a last resort, and Sasha came highly recommended by a friend. From the very beginning, his professionalism and expertise put me at ease. After just three sessions, I began feeling noticeable relief, and by the seventh session, I was back to my regular activities and sleeping comfortably again.

If you’re dealing with chronic pain and unsure about acupuncture, I can’t recommend Sasha enough. He made such a difference in my recovery, and I’m very grateful for his help!

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Shoulder Pain

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I have been seeing Sasha for about one year now.  I have had ongoing difficulties with several areas of my life.  My main problem area is my stomach where I have had lifelong gastrointestinal issues. I did a series of treatments with Sasha that lasted about 3 months and after the treatments my intestinal upset is vastly improved.  Prior to that I was taking charcoal daily and now find that it is only on occasion that I resort to any kind of antacid. I have also had difficult coughs and sinus problems that Sasha has assisted me with that medication like Allegra was not helping. I find the work I do with him is a great adjunct to modern medicine.

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Skin Disorders

I wholeheartedly recommend Sasha as an exceptional acupuncturist!
I was dealing with issues related to weak kidneys and lungs, which significantly affected my overall well-being. I suffered from insomnia, woke up frequently at night, and felt constantly drained. On top of that, I had eczema and nasal congestion, both of which severely impacted my quality of life.

After completing a course of treatment with Sasha, I experienced remarkable improvements. My insomnia completely disappeared—I now sleep soundly through the night. The eczema that had troubled me for so long is gone, and my skin is clear. The nasal congestion has also resolved, and I can breathe freely and easily.

Most importantly, I’ve regained energy and strength in my body, and my overall health has significantly improved. I feel rejuvenated and renewed!

Sasha is a true professional who takes great care in addressing every detail of his patients’ health. His approach is thoughtful, compassionate, and rooted in a deep understanding of the human body and the precise techniques of acupuncture.

If you are looking for a skilled and dedicated specialist to trust with your health, I wholeheartedly recommend Sasha. His treatments are not just therapy but a path to restoring your body and spirit!

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Spinal Stenosis

This is my testimony for Sasha.  He runs the Community Acupuncture Clinic of Maui in Makawao. When I went to Sasha on Feb. 10, 2011, I was in pain and weak.  I was feeling as if I would never get better. I had an M.R.I. on Oct.17, 2010.  My neck was hurting a bit and I was having intermittent tingling in my left hand and arm and pain in my left shoulder blade.  I could still work and it didn’t affect my everyday life.  It had started about 3 months previous. The outcome was that on the C4-C5 and C5-C6 I have degenerative disc disease with mild canal stenosis and mild bilateral neural foraminal narrowing.  At C6-C7 I have degenerative disc disease and a prominent left intervertebral marginal osteophyte with mild right and moderate to severe left neural foraminal narrowing would raise the possibility of impingement of the exiting left C7 nerve root. I went to see a neurologist and at that time he thought I could manage it by working and not raising my arms and hands above shoulder height and doing some strengthening exercises.  I am a landscape designer and have to use my arms a lot. Everything seemed fine until just before Thanksgiving.  I must have overworked and hurt myself.  I had severe pain under my shoulder blade and neck pain and some arm tingling. It felt as if someone was stabbing me with a knife under my shoulder blade.  I couldn’t work, walk my dog, it hurt to drive my truck and I had to prop myself up with pillows so I could sleep.  I went to the doctor and he suggested physical therapy.  I started in Dec. for about a month.  It helped a bit but the home exercises seemed to irritate it so I had to stop.  I was taking Vicodin and Valium in order to get through the day and sleep.  I was able to stop them and just take six ibuprofen each day. The doctor suggested an injection of cortisone under my shoulder blade or to go back to the neurologist and get an injection of cortisone in the troubled area in my neck.  I really didn’t want to do that yet. Someone had suggested to me that I go to Sasha and try acupuncture.  They had been to him and felt that it might help me.  I went there on Feb. 10th.  By that time I was just taking ibuprofen.  I was feeling that I would never get better. The first treatment didn’t make much difference but I wanted to do it.  Within 3 treatments I started to feel better.  After 5, I felt that there was hope.  I was able to do simple tasks again.  I was cutting back on the ibuprofen. I did overdo it one day and realized that I had to take it easy.  By the end of the 9th treatment I was back at work again.  I didn’t need the ibuprofen anymore.  I don’t have pain under my shoulder blade anymore. If I work too much my neck hurts a bit but nothing else. I thank Sasha for his expertise.  He certainly gave me my life back.

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Tennis Elbow

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I came to see Sasha recently for my tinnitus. I suffered with it for a while and it was bad. After 2 sessions I almost don’t hear any noise. He is truly an amazing practitioner and god sent. Highly recommend him;)

I can’t speak highly enough about my experiences at AcupunctureWorks! I came in for two separate medical conditions (tinnitus and stomach pain) for which I had found no effective treatments despite many expensive tests and consultations with a number of medical specialists. Sasha (Alexander) listened carefully as I described these conditions and crafted a personalized approach. Through his treatments I finally was able to get some relief from these chronic issues. Sasha is a highly knowledgeable, caring professional and a master healer.

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Trigeminal Neuralgia

I first found out about Sasha Kremer spring of 2024. I was diagnosed with trigeminal nerve neuralgia. I was trying alternative medicine in order to stay away from conventional anti-seizure medicine which has many side effects . I could not eat any kind of food. I could not speak without getting an electrical shooting pain. The pain was debilitating and completely limited my life. I followed Sasha’s recommendations and completed twice a week acupuncture sessions. It  has been more than 9 months since, I have had a significant reduction in my pain level and improved quality of life. I am forever grateful for Sasha’s advice and acupuncture treatment. He is very professional.  I highly recommend him to anyone who is looking for alternative medicine.

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Urinary Tract Infections

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Varicose Veins

I have been having vein problems for several years. I had bad varicose veins on both legs. First, the doctors tried to treat them with lasers. Then, 5 years to the day, the varicose veins came back. The doctor said they had just found out that the laser treatment was only good for 5 years. The next step was stripping the veins, which they did.

Fast forward 15 years. I have a healthy diet and exercise 6 times a week. But, true to form, the varicose veins came back in a new location. This time I went to the Community Acupuncture Clinic of Maui in Makawao. They told me they could help but it would be long term. I started the protocol of treatments twice a week. Everything was progressing nicely when two things happened. The first thing was my 6 week session ended and at the same time I had to go on antibiotics. Well, in one week, all the heaviness returned to my lower legs, veins started bulging, and I was restricted in my movements due to these symptoms. As soon as I could, I got back to acupuncture. The heaviness is gone and my veins are slowly coming down. This treatment has made a big difference in my life. I am willing to make the commitment to acupuncture because it is having a positive effect in my life. My veins are much happier now! Thank you.

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Weight Loss

I am writing to share my experience at the acupuncture clinic of Sasha Kremer.  When I first went to his clinic I was quite overweight (220 lbs), stressed out, and very fatigued.  My fasting blood sugar was 130. Sasha recommended acupuncture twice a week for six weeks and he gave me a customized dietary instruction.  After three weeks I noticed a big difference in how I felt, less stressed, less fatigued, and starting to lose weight.  After completing the 12 sessions, my energy stayed consistently high and I was able to lose a total of 30 lbs. My fasting glucose came down to 84. Aloha!

I began seeing Sasha in the fall of 2023 presenting with severe and persistent back pain due to 3 spinal surgeries in 2019. I resorted to acupuncture as a last resort.  Due to the pain I had to use a walker or cane to ambulate. I suffered from painful Rheumatoid Arthritis and was prescribed a high dose of methotrexate which caused significant damage to my kidneys. I also suffered from mixed manic episodes, was obese, and a 2 pack/day smoker.

During my sessions with Sasha over the course of 1 year I lost 75 pounds; weaned myself off methotrexate thereby increasing my kidney function; experienced significant decrease in my back and join pain such that I no longer need assistive devices to walk. I even started to jog with my dog! Sasha also worked with me to decrease my anxiety/depression by teaching me meditative breathing techniques. As a result, I have also weaned myself off many psychotropic medications. I quit smoking one year ago as well!

My experience with Sasha has been life transforming for me. I came to Sasha for relief of my back pain through acupuncture, and came away with integrative knowledge of alternative methods for alleviating various physical and mental conditions. A healthy body equals a healthy mind, and vice versa. Sasha is a wonderful acupuncturist and so much more! It was been a great pleasure to have had him work with me to alleviate so many problems which made me miserable for many years. I will miss him dearly. May God highly favor him in his future endeavors.

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In September 2023, at the age of 36, I fell into a coma after being bitten by a mosquito that transmitted the West Nile virus. It turned out that I had an extremely rare manifestation of this virus — in 2023, I was only the second recorded case among 16 million people. My entire nervous system shut down. I was completely paralyzed, unable to breathe, speak, or swallow.

The recovery process has been extremely challenging and lengthy. Due to the rarity of my condition, 90% of the doctors and specialists I encountered had never seen a case like mine. No one could give me any prognosis.

When I started working with Sasha, I was very weak. We tried several methods, and he carefully monitored my body’s reactions throughout the process. After six months of working with him, my recovery began to accelerate significantly. The results were truly impressive. Even the doctors who had lost hope for my recovery were surprised by the progress I made.

Now, I am able to walk, eat, and speak on my own. I am incredibly grateful to Sasha for the crucial role he played in my journey to better health. His dedication and expertise made a remarkable difference in my life.

I wanted to write a testimonial for Sasha.  I do not remember the whole experience because I was half way unconscious for some of it, but he literally saved my life on a train in India.  

While traveling with Sasha to Kolkata, India, we stopped at the small town to celebrate Diwali with a local family.  Due to some language barriers I ended up ingesting something I was highly allergic to – I think wheat gluten – and had a quick and strong reaction of disorientation and swelling of my tongue and throat.  By the time this was happening we were already on the overnight train to Kolkata.  I was scared but I remember parts of it and I think I was moving in and out of consciousness.  I remember Sasha asking me if I could breathe and me telling him that my tongue was too big for my mouth.  He found my acupuncture needles in my backpack and needled me in the cramped train car.  Within moments I could feel myself regaining life force. The Qi sensation was very intense, but I could feel myself settling back to normal almost instantaneously.  

The next thing I remembered was waking up pulling into Kolkata.  I’m pretty sure Sasha saved my life with his amazing knowledge and quick reaction time.  I do not know if I ever properly thanked him, but I would trust him with my life. Sasha’s expertise in acupuncture is obvious to anyone who has been lucky enough to be in his healing presence.

thank u very much for your kind treatment it made me very calm and peace when things got hectic & stress levels was at the roof

You came with your smart words & your needles & reminded us that we r strong people

& we can win this war & overcome this challenge .

I hope your kind effort will have good fruits & we will have more patience to listen & accept each other & unite for real. 

Thank u very much for supporting our community we appreciate it very much

May we have the power to create new things together in this world that will make it a pleasant place to live

My name is …, I live in Netiv Ha’esra. I suffer from heartburn regularly, joint pain and I am scheduled to have surgery on my hand. Sasha treated me and was attentive to my problems. He diagnosed that it was due to the stomach and recommended that I fast once a week. He treated me for a week and a half and I felt relief from the heartburn and the pain I had in my body – neck and back pain. I also suffered from hair loss and following the treatment I felt an improvement. Thank you very much for the dedicated care. Sasha is very attentive and professional.

Sasha helped me, he released my back, and I felt a significant change

I live in Netiv Ha’Asra, a moshav where there were terrorists on October 7. As a result of the stress in the last month, I lost half of my hair and my sleep was also bad, I would wake up a lot at night and I had nightmares. For a week and a half, Sasha treated me gently and attentively and I noticed that the amount of hair I was losing was reduced by half. After a week and a half, I was able to sleep better and the stress was significantly reduced. Sasha also recommended meditation techniques that I started practicing and fasting, he has a wealth of knowledge. Thank you very much for the treatment.

I received 4 acupuncture treatments from you at the Aliya Hotel. The treatments were thorough and professional. We are going through a difficult time with the horrors of war and the uncertainty and helplessness that are affecting me severely and are also being expressed in the body, in back pain, lack of sleep, stress, and more. The treatments were very helpful in all of these and more.

Sasha is very kind and professional. I really enjoyed receiving treatment from him. A person with a desire to help and gives a very pleasant feeling. Best wishes.

Sasha is an amazing, sensitive and professional!
I came with pressure and pain in my jaw for a long time and he was able to transfer and relieve the pain I experienced
The sensitivity and confidence he instills are an integral part of the experience.
Thank you for the privilege of receiving treatment from him 🙏

I feel really good after the treatment, much more calm and balanced, I feel like my strength is coming back to me, and my faith and my hope. After the treatment, I have energy to do good things at home with the children and help people. I also develop more patience to listen to each other and see the good in each other. One of the challenges I see in the country now is the effect of stress and pain on communication, patience and relationships between us within ourselves, and Chinese acupuncture and Sasha’s treatment really helped me with that.

You are charming, patient and attentive. Thank you for all the effort and good that you do.

I came with emotional pain and after a few meetings and conversations with Sasha I received relief from the pain. Sasha is a lovely and pleasant person.

At first I was skeptical, I didn’t believe in alternative treatments. When I started treatment, there was an immediate improvement in my mood, concentration, and self-awareness.

Thank you Sasha so much for the treatment you gave me. It helped me relax, it helped my back pain and my sleep quality is so much better.

(The last 12 testimonials are from my volunteer work in Israel at the start of the war after October 7th).

I’ve been in the healthcare field for 45 years. I have worked with many acupuncturists. Sasha has a great way of practice and unique style. His approach to five elements style is extremely efficient and thorough at the same time. The results that I was able to qualify from the initial visit was amazing. Subsequent visits also provided incredible balance, and a state of healthy well-being that I hadn’t had in a long time. I would recommend Sasha for anyone without hesitation. Thank you so much for everything you’ve done.

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